セラーズ『経験論と心の哲学』 Robinson 2013「経験的直観,図式,概念」 Land 2013「直観と判断」 Capozzi 2013「判断の量と量のカテゴリー」
- セラーズ,ウィルフリド. 2006(1956)『経験論と心の哲学』浜野研三訳,岩波書店.
- Capozzi, Mirella 2013. "The Quantity of Judgments and the Categories of Quantity. A Problem in the Metaphysical Deduction," in Margit Ruffing, Claudio La Rocca, Alfredo Ferrarin & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant Und Die Philosophie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des Xi. Kant-Kongresses 2010. De Gruyter. Band II, 65-76.
- Land, Thomas 2013. "Intuition and Judgement. How Not To Think about the Singularity of Intuition (and the Generality of Concepts) in Kant," in Margit Ruffing, Claudio La Rocca, Alfredo Ferrarin & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant Und Die Philosophie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des Xi. Kant-Kongresses 2010. De Gruyter. Band II, 221-231.
- Robinson, Hoke 2013. "Empirical Intuitions, Schemata, and Concepts in Kant’s Critical Epistemology," in Margit Ruffing, Claudio La Rocca, Alfredo Ferrarin & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant Und Die Philosophie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des Xi. Kant-Kongresses 2010. De Gruyter. Band II, 331-345.