Dear Prudence

哲学専修B4 間違いがあればご指摘いただけると幸いです。

Longuenesse. 1998. 「経験の構成」(1)ほか

  • Longuenesse, B. 1998. Kant and the Capacity to Judge: Sensibility and Discursivity in theTranscendental Analytic of the “Critique of Pure Reason” Princeton: Princeton University Press. 324-61.
  • Vaihinger, Hans. 1881. Kommentar zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2. Aufl, Bd. 2, S. 8-27.


坂部 2006『坂部恵集 1』,福谷2009『カント哲学試論』ほか

  • Vaihinger, Hans. 1881. Kommentar zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2. Aufl, Bd. 2, S. 1-7.
  • 坂部恵 2006『坂部恵集 1』岩波書店.
  • 福谷茂 2009.『カント哲学試論』知泉書館.
  • 清野智昭 2010.『しくみが身につく中級ドイツ語作文』白水社.

セラーズ『経験論と心の哲学』 Robinson 2013「経験的直観,図式,概念」 Land 2013「直観と判断」 Capozzi 2013「判断の量と量のカテゴリー」

  • セラーズ,ウィルフリド. 2006(1956)『経験論と心の哲学』浜野研三訳,岩波書店.
  • Capozzi, Mirella 2013. "The Quantity of Judgments and the Categories of Quantity. A Problem in the Metaphysical Deduction," in Margit Ruffing, Claudio La Rocca, Alfredo Ferrarin & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant Und Die Philosophie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des Xi. Kant-Kongresses 2010. De Gruyter. Band II, 65-76.
  • Land, Thomas 2013. "Intuition and Judgement. How Not To Think about the Singularity of Intuition (and the Generality of Concepts) in Kant," in Margit Ruffing, Claudio La Rocca, Alfredo Ferrarin & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant Und Die Philosophie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des Xi. Kant-Kongresses 2010. De Gruyter. Band II, 221-231.
  • Robinson, Hoke 2013. "Empirical Intuitions, Schemata, and Concepts in Kant’s Critical Epistemology," in Margit Ruffing, Claudio La Rocca, Alfredo Ferrarin & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant Und Die Philosophie in Weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des Xi. Kant-Kongresses 2010. De Gruyter. Band II, 331-345.

マクダウェル 2012.『心と世界』; Schwenkler 2012.「視覚的空間的気づきは空間の視覚的気づきを必要としない」; Bader 2017.「内官と時間」; McLear 2017.「直観と現前」; Stephenson. 2017.「構想力と内的直観」; Merritt and Valaris. 2017. 「カントの経験概念における注意と総合」; Longuenesse 1998.「判断の論理的諸定義」

  • マクダウェル,ジョン 2012(1994)『心と世界』神崎繁ほか訳,勁草書房
  • Schwenkler, John. 2012. "Does Visual Spatial Awareness Require the Visual Awareness of Space?," Mind and Language, 27(3): 308-29.
  • Bader, Ralf M. 2017. "Inner Sense and Time," in Kant and the Philosophy of Mind, ed. A. Gomes and A. Stephenson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 124-137.
  • McLear, Colin. 2017. "Intuition and Presence," in Kant and the Philosophy of Mind, ed. A. Gomes and A. Stephenson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 86-103.
  • Stephenson, Andrew. 2017. "Imagination and Inner Intuition," in Kant and the Philosophy of Mind, ed. A. Gomes and A. Stephenson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 104-123.
  • Merritt, Melissa and Valaris, Markos 2017. "Attention and Synthesis in Kant's Conception of Experience," Philosophical Quarterly 67 (268): 571-592.
  • Longuenesse, B. 1998. Kant and the Capacity to Judge: Sensibility and Discursivity in theTranscendental Analytic of the “Critique of Pure Reason” Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chap. 4.

Allais. 2017.「総合と結合」 Greenberg. 2008.「de re必然性のいくつかのカントの使用」 Cassam. 1987.「超越論的論証,超越論的総合,超越論的観念論」

  • Allais, Lucy. 2017. "Synthesis and Binding," in Kant and the Philosophy of Mind, ed. A. Gomes and A. Stephenson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 25-45.
  • Greenberg, Robert. 2008. "Some of Kant's Uses of De Re Necessity," in Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Band 2, ed. V. Rohden et al., Berlin: de Gruyter, 255-265.
  • Cassam, Quassim. 1987. “Transcendental Arguments, Transcendental Synthesis and Transcendental Idealism,” in The Philosophical Quarterly 37, 355-78.